i am counting the days to being done with work. one week from tomorrow. praise the lord. but also, praise him for his provision...i should be thankful. i am. it's just easier to express my frustration than my gratitude. why is that?
so, i typed up some of the colorado story. my computer wouldn't upload the pictures though. it aggravated me so i gave up. sorry. there wasn't anything too exciting to tell anyways. we had a flat tire in topeka. that was about as exciting as it got. oh, and dean hit 2 homeruns. i'm still glad to be home.
i discovered a new website. postsecret.blogspot.com.
it's this guy who started this thing where people can anonymously send in a secret on a postcard. he scans it and posts them.
some of them are sad. some of them are really funny. either way, it makes me feel more connected. with something. i've felt so disconnected from anything and everyone lately. so it was good to discover this site. there are also a lot on facebook if you just look for post secret and go to any of the groups.
tried posting pictures...but it didn't work. check it out for yourself, though.
goodnight, all.
homecoming '10!
5 years ago