"I tell you the truth, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, 'Move from here to there' and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you."

i think it's time to take a step of faith. of course, one step probably won't get me anywhere of much significance. i faithful life i guess, is what i am striving for. the Lord has always proved his faithfulness to me. i'm not sure why i struggle so much with stepping out and trusting him. probably my pride. along with a lack of faith. i just need a mustard seed.
i have not been able to shake the thought of the world race. the idea of traveling for 11 months to 11 countries to do missions work is something that is intriguing and compelling to a point that i cannot seem to get rid of it.
all of that to say. i was really wrestling with the idea of all of this the other day. it seems so unpractical and ridiculous. it doesn't make a whole lot of sense. and yet, the cause of Christ, generally speaking, is unpractical and ridculous. so, i went to church the other night and the Lord really spoke to me about stepping out in faith and no matter what just loving Him. i really felt like i should at least apply for this thing.
so, i come home and log onto the
website. up in the left hand corner it says:
no more excuses. the application fee is being waived for one more week. i think that's enough time to get it done. :)
i am scared beyond belief.
more excited than i have been about anything esle in a very long time.
i want to cry and jump for joy all at once.
whatever happens, i know God is in control. the task now is to go from the knowing to the believing. in that, i belive a life of faith will truly begin to take shape.
i'll keep you posted.