And He said to them, "Because of the littleness of your faith; for truly I say to you, if you have faith the size of a mustard seed, you will say to this mountain, 'Move from here to there,' and it will move; and nothing will be impossible to you.
Matthew 17:20
Lately, I have been wondering why in the world I don't tap into the power that God has presented me with. Faith. I suppose that is what it is. I lack it most times. I came across this video and I was so challenged. The power of God is so great and we use do little of it. I'm not really sure why. I'm kind of sick of sitting back and hearing about all of the amazing things that God is doing and not having stories of my own to tell. I want more faith. Jesus says that the smallest of faith can move mountains. I want that kind of faith. How small mine must be if it's being compared to a mustard seed. I like mustard. I want more faith. More of Jesus all around. God is doing things in my life. He is changing who I am. I can see it everyday. I wish it was just a push of a button and I could just be better in a matter of seconds. Unfortunately, it's this whole life-long journey thing. I guess I should learn to deal with it.
The cry of my heart is to serve the Lord on a daily basis in whatever ways I can. I want to make small impacts on eternity everyday. I want to see lost people come to know God in an amazing way that changes other people too. I want the very essence of who I am to so reflect and exude Jesus that I look different to people. I want Jesus to draw people to Himself through me. It's going to happen. I will get there. Not of my own accord or on my own schedule. But God is doing a work. I am faithful that He will continue it until the great day of completion. Amen for that.
homecoming '10!
5 years ago
I love that little old lady. Seriously, why can't I ever be like that for ten seconds??
Just so you know... I read your blog. Don't always comment... but I do read. ;o)
i love you very much, too.
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