caffeine has never effected me late at night. i had a nice cup of coffee about 9:00 tonight. and now i am wide awake. i'm not completely convinced it's the coffee's fault, however. i tend to be a thinker. i let my mind go in circles about the most nonsensical things. either way, it's 1:29 am and i am wide awake. i laid in bed bed for an hour and then decided to get up. but i have nothing to do. i suppose i could work on my geology. that would put me sleep quickly. i could read, but i'm not really in the mood. i thought about taking a hot shower. more so that when i wake up in the morning completely exhausted i won't have to worry about it. but, i am afraid that would wake up my suitemates and they are both very tired from a long trip back from tejas. what's a girl to do? maybe i will put on a sermon or some soft music? we'll see.
sitting here is not going to speed up the process any. it's only making me think more.
a lot is going on here. designed for life was incredible. i am so excited to tell you all about it. at a later date.
also, i am on a craft kick. it's bad news. i am going to drive home this weekend to get my sewing machine. this will probably result in even more of a lack in classes and a social life. but, i am okay with that.
the pink washed out of my hair rather quickly. i'm not too happy about it. i liked feeling like a rockstar. i think i might get a permanent streak put it in. would that be too crazy? we'll see.
alright. i am going to attempt to get some sleep. hopefully i can fall asleep by 2. that would still give me a solid 6 hours of sleep which i can function on...
more blogging will come soon.
love from room 110.
homecoming '10!
5 years ago
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