i'm learning to notice the Lord's provisions in the little things. and the big things, too. fundraising for the World Race is going well. we still have a long way to go, but the Lord has been showing Himself very, very faithful. greece in t-minus 3 days. oh my gosh! i am so, so excited. i cannot even hardly contain myself. it's really putting a damper on my productivity. but, i am willing to make that sacrifice. i'm posting a video below of my wonderful cousins. amy and i babysat them on saturday night. i've learned that allowing them to make videos of themselves is a great way to keep them occupied. ethan has also taken a liking to my good friend julie, who is out in california. so, we make her videos when i babysit. it's a win-win for all. my favorite part is when hannah, who is only 2 1/2, says "are you kiddin' me, ashley?" they are just precious. what joy they provide me. i hope you enjoy it as much as i do!
homecoming '10!
5 years ago
My fave is a tie between the possum and the princess eyes. oh man.
that is soooooo cute! I always wondered what a possum sounded like. . .:)
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