my birthday was yesterday. the big 22. i guess it's a big one? i don't really feel any different. i think i am too focused on graduation and that whole transition to even care about adding another candle to the cake.
i took down my picture wall today. it was somewhat spontaneous. i thought it might ease the pain later on if i was used to a bare wall. i'm starting to think better of the decision.

[this is what the last week of school is doing to me.]
my mind has been moving too quickly lately. i can't really seem to keep up. and when i get stressed/emotional i question things. not in a bad way, really. i just ask myself and God many questions. they don't usually get an answer, but it's somewhat comforting to know i am free to approach the throne of grace boldly nonetheless. i think when i gear up for another season of questioning the lord just smiles. it's a good thing he is more patient than i am.
on a lighter note, leash and i went to rendezvous last night in an attempt to study/write papers. little homework was accomplished although the company was enjoyed [at least on my part] and a late night wal-mart run for coffee creamer was incredibly delightful.
i sure hope you didn't go to ghetto... sketchy!
and i'm bitter about your pictures being down. only because i never had the time to pull my prank!
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