i'm bored.
i'm sitting at home. in the basement. not unpacking the last few things of mine or wanting to pick up all of my clothes that i threw on my floor. i'm connected to the world wide web officially. woo woo. what a blessing wireless internet is. praise the lord. i watched the office from my bed this morning. it was wonderful. then i took a nap. now i am awake. just figured out that if i get all A's next semester i would only have a 3.73 for honors at graduation. you have to have a 3.75 to graduate magna. i'm thinking about re-taking psychology. i took it my freshman year and did not do well. if i could replace that grade with an A next semester i would have a 3.8. i know, i'm a nerd. is another class worth that extra star in the program when probably no one will even notice? yes, yes i think it is. we shall see.
my uncle called today and needs me to start working tomorrow which is really good b/c i wasn't supposed to start for another 2 or 3 weeks. it's a two-fold blessing, really. i will have something to do and i will start making money. that's a good thing.
i went to springfield last night for my 6.8 (Junior High) lifegroup. it was good, as always. i was getting ready to leave and i couldn't find my keys. i went outside and there they were...stuck in the ignition. my car wasn't on, good thing. and of course, like a good little, cautious girl, i locked my doors. awesome. so we had to call 'Sir Lock-a-Lot' or something ridiculous like that. i've decided that the locksmith business is a good one to go into. $35 for every 2 minutes. that's some serious, cold, hard, cash. i guess i probably wouldn't need to retake psychology to earn that extra star if i'm just going to open car doors. i'll have to weigh the pros and cons. maybe make a list.
i miss my friends. a lot. i did get to see abby last night so that was nice. she was on duty so i went back to school to see her. 2 days away was not enough yet. but i love her, so i went anyway.
julie introduced me to dreamcenterradio.com i love it. i feel like i am being cultured and informed. it's nice.
i probably should start my internship journal and not put it off forever. we will see. i might get motivated and clean my room. if it wasn't raining out i would sit outside and read a book. but, alas. maybe i will make some tea and read anyway. it's just not the same chilling in my room by myself. i like the comfort of knowing there are people close to me...but that's what summer and graduation and all of that brings...separation. oklahoma, michigan, hawaii, california, ohio...all of my best friends are all over the country. all differnt time zones. we all have our own lives apart from each other. i don't like to think about it. i want everyone to be together and happy forever. mr. dana said i should start a cult. i'm thinking about it. a happy, jesus-loving cult. hmmmm....
call me. chat with me. text me. e-mail me.
c'mon people...i'm dyin' here.
tomorrow will be better. and august will come soon.
i hope.
homecoming '10!
5 years ago
aw, i'm glad i'm thought of... hawaii...
i miss you a lot too, higgins... seriously!
but alas, it'll be LESS THAN 100 days til i head back to the states and off this rock!
no real adventures to report, other than the one i posted.
i miss you (did i mention that already? well, i do)
I would seriously consider being a part of your cult if you get it started. As long as all we do is love Jesus, drink coffee, and read books.
I miss you too.
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