i never cease to be amazed at what the people in my life do.
good and bad. i'm always stunned.
more on that later....
the name ashley does not mean anything cool. "ash tree meadow" awesome.
however, i discovered that janell means "God is gracious"
so very true. maybe i should go by that?
so ironic. i've been learning about grace a lot lately. funny how that all works out. maybe God is trying to teach me something?
happy summer. i have sunburned legs and cankles. cankles b/c my legs are sunburned i guess. it made them all swollen.
i look like a freak-o.
kansas was good. minus the getting sunburned part...i had a great time.
what else? skype and ichat are saving my life.
thanks to those of you who have joined me on that journey.
i'm less bored nowadays. i've been working and doing my internship. the internship i need to work on more, for sure. better get with that...i had intended to go to bed early tonight. it's 12:30. that is going to make tomorrow a LONG day.
i'm off.
blessings to all.
homecoming '10!
5 years ago
We could make it so that no one could get into our cult unless their name starts with an A... but you couldn't go by Janell then. Or we could just try to be cool and think of a cool name. I'm really bad at that, though. *shrugs*
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