i don't know if all the caffeine in the world could wake me up these days.
i'm exhausted and it's only week 3. lord have mercy. the good news, however, that i have an overflowing supply of coffee and creamer as well as many clean mugs. thankfully, i also have friends who know when to cut me off from my supply!
i am taking a break from my 'language and culture' assignment right now. it's due this afternoon. i also have to do a gigantic self-assessment that is due tomorrow. it's probably a good thing that i am on duty tonight. maybe. i usually get distracted.
school is going well. it's spiritual emphasis week. i'm pretty excited about the service tonight. i'm praying that the Lord would do great things and continue to set revival on our hearts.
things are crazy busy, but the Lord is faithful. for the first time in a long time, i believe that. i accept it and i feel like i can live that principle out. cast your cares upon him... i think i will.
this is random and ridiculous.
i promise i will try to be better at blogging from now on.
thanks to those of you who give me something to read even when i do not return the favor, you know who you are!
and this is the new motto i shall live by.
thank you, postsecret.
homecoming '10!
5 years ago
good job at blogging. :)
i agree with all of your sentiments. soon i'm going to get cracking and finish all of my homework, because i am DEFINITELY not missing any more chapel this week.
i think there's definitely something to be learned this week about God's faithfulness. it'll be drilled in good and hard by the time it's over. :o)
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