i revamped my blog. i think i like it. i got the template from pyzam. i think i like it. the only bummer is that it cancels your blog feed so you have to go back through and re-enter all of those. i think it was probably worth it.
i had a little scare yesterday. i thought i was going to have to take statistics in order to graduate. but, no worries. it ended up being wrong information that was communicated to me. good thing, because i was not about to take 22 credits next semester. 19 is plenty, thank you.
cross walk chapel was good today. they announced the spring break trips again. joy came to my heart when they announced greece. a few tears even welled up. i am so excited. i should probably start a countdown!
what else is going on? i had my radio show again today. my wonderful suitemates called in. amy on numerous occasions to tell me she did not approve of my 'three in a row flashback' choices of plusone, bob carlisle, and some group singing about the devil going back to hell. i'm glad she called. and then she brought me coffee. it was a good morning. although i am still feeling the effects of a 5:30 am wake up call. no worries i didn't actually roll out of bed until 6:15. nonetheless...it was still dark out and that should be illegal!
i started reading 'the shack'. it's a really good book so far. i can hardly put it down! it's really, pretty deep though. so i probably will have to read it again. we are having a book club about it. so i am excited to get that started this weekend. i'll keep you updated on my thoughts as far as that all goes.
i think that's about all i have for now. i need to get some lunch.
love to all.
homecoming '10!
5 years ago
i got 'the shack' today! so i can finally start reading my own copy! and i am quite glad to call in any ol' time... just don't put me on the air :o)
i like the new look. is bonita.
hey friend! just wanted to check in to see the new look! it's pretty.
and the shack is pretty much crazy. so so good. definitely a good book club read -- lots to talk about. hope it goes well!
blessings friend.
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