Saturday, December 27, 2008

belated merry christmas.

due to my lack of internet at home i was not able to wish my blogging buddies a very merry christmas.
but i finally found a connection to the outside world...
starbucks on a rainy day brings a great big smile to my face.

break has been great, but flying by.
reunion and fun for a few days in springfield/ozark/branson.
oklahoma with julie for a few days. so wonderful, but went way too fast.
christmas festivities with the fam.
a couple of days of nothing.
steph comes to town, although i have yet to see her yet.
and then in 3 days i will go to cincinatti for the world mission's summit!!!
and then straight back to wa-110 for a final semester.

i'm refusing to dwell on 'this is it' because i'm afraid i'll have a meltdown. even though i have somewhat of a plan, at least for the next year and a half or so after graduation, i don't do well with change. i miss the people i love entirely too much, and i like my little comfortable, evangel bubble. albeit a plan, it's a scary, and somewhat vulnerable one.

praise god for skype.

have a happy new year. make some good resolutions, friends.


[ amy ] said...

I miss you!

uhmeehleehuh said...

aloha lovely lady!

i miss you mucho... but i'm glad you are able to slow down and enjoy break.... just remember to slow down a little more.

this next semester... our last one... yes, tis a scary thought indeed! haha... but God has great things in store for us... rather than thinking about what an ending this evangel bubble will be, think of the beginning of a really wonderful spirit-filled and led life will come.

i shall see you soon, love!