i think i officially drank too much coffee today.
i think maybe around the region of 12 ish cups? that sounds about right.
12 cups of coffee
16 hours of homework
72 pages of a portfolio
3 Power Points
4 hours of sleep last night
22 geology questions
62 minutes in church
4 pieces of chicken
and 0 naps later...
my day is FINALLY over.
unfortunately, because today lasted so long, tomorrow will come quicker.
however, all numbers considered...it's good to know i have 1 big God.
and some more for you...James 1:2 says to 'count it all joy...'
and so...despite the fact that my eyelids are twitching, i can't feel my legs, my brain has imploded, and my stomach has coffee/creamer induced voids...i rejoice.
i rejoice because:
God is good.
God is BIG.
tomorrow comes.
i am blessed.
i really have it pretty great.
so, what began as an attempt to feel sorry for myself, has somehow, by the grace of God, turned into something quite different. i am not sure that has ever happened so blatantly to me before. i'll take it as a good sign.
with that, i'm off to bed.
be blessed.
homecoming '10!
5 years ago
that was good, Ashley... I definitely would've ended the post with complaints :o)
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