camp was wonderful.
it was refreshing and exactly what i needed. it was stretched and challenged in the best way possible. the Lord really proved his faithfulness. i suppose he really does day after day but i realized it this time. it hit me like a ton of bricks. and at the very moment those bricks of revelation hit, so much was released. i feel a million times lighter now. i feel like for the first time in a very long time i can walk in some amount of freedom. i feel like i have the freedom to love the way God has called me to. i really just feel better. i don't know how else to say it. i am in awe of the faithfulness of God. especially in the small things.
i was talking to a friend the other night and he was telling me about a bunch of great things that God is doing in his life too. it was so nice to have that conversation. i needed it right then. i needed someone to share and rejoice with me in everything that was going on. once again. faithful.
work has been okay the last few days. we were really slow today so that was kind of a bummer. but, whatev. i am sitting at gloria jean's right now. i am supposed to be working on my internship stuff. i haven't started it yet. i am such a bad procrasinator. it's awful, really.
i have the day off tomorrow. i might have to babysit. i am still waiting to hear from my aunt. we shall see. it would be kind of nice to not have to. but, i don't mind it either.
i really need to get to work. love and blessings to all.
homecoming '10!
5 years ago
Finish your internship stuff and I won't throw my computer at work out the window, and then when we talk tonight, we'll celebrate about how good we are at getting stuff done and being responsible and all!!! LOVE YOU!
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