my heart is there.
i have been working on my photo book tonight. i also got an email from one of the students i met there. it was precious. i just wish i was there to love on her. i wish i could take her for coffee and go on a walk with her. show her how much she is worth and how precious she is to the Lord. i don't feel like prayer is enough. i want to be there. i want to go back. i looked at plane tickets again tonight. yeah right. my grandma would kill me. :)
"why, oh why do you do this to yourself? i'm thinkin somebody's hearing a calling."
text message quote from a wise friend in reference to my wanting to hop on the next plane en route to athens.
maybe i should stop fighting it. maybe i should just accept that maybe the Lord has called me there. embrace it and claim it.
i think i reserve it because it is such a huge thing and i don't know if i could ever really do that. pick up and move to the other side of the world? it's basically impossible to get a work visa for greece. i just don't know. but at the same time it for real hurts me to be here. i know it sounds kind of ridiculous but my heart yearns to be back there. my heart is broken for those people and that place. is it too big of a thing? is it so ridiculous and far-fetched to think that maybe, just maybe, God would make a way for me? i don't even know where to start.
oh goodness.
i think for now i will go eat my grandma's jello.
homecoming '10!
5 years ago
just so you know... I don't think it's ridiculous at all. if it was ridiculous, how would people like Krystal end up over there? how would anyone end up anywhere?? think about it... to God the globe is kind of like a half of a speck... or something like that. it's no biggie for him to drop you off in Greece. so if He wants to, He will. :o)
miss you, dear!
i love how you end your posts, higgins! oh, ashley! i think your friend is right-- you could be hearing a calling. i'm reminded of a hymn that goes, "god will make a way when there seems to be no way"
there will be a way. there is a will. just keep at it :)
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