that's how i feel most of the time. today was one of those days when i felt particularly inadequate. by the end of work, not even Andy's and a sunny day made me feel better. to be truthful, i still don't feel much better. i guess it's not really about how i feel though. there are more important things to worry about. i really do hate it when i get like this. my feelings come out as anger and bitterness which makes me feel even more inadequate and like i don't measure up to anyone. it's just a big, vicious cycle. it's ridiculous. i'm not really sure where it all stems from. i suppose a lot of it is because i am too hard on myself sometimes. well, most of the time. ahhhh...i don't really even know.
i want to cry and scream all at the same time.
i want certain people to stay out of my life forever and at the same time i would embrace them if they came back.
i want to be a million miles away from here and in my own bed too.
i really have no idea what i want, apparently.
i just want to be better. i want to be a better person. i want to be more like jesus. i want to fulfill the call he has on my life and accomplish the things that i have in my heart. but it's days like these when all i can think about is all of the reasons why none of that will never happen and why i am not good enough to be the person i want to be. i mess up too much. i fall short too often.
this is depressing. i need to go have some jesus time or something. i'm not in the mood right now. that usually means i need it more than ever! i think maybe i will. i need to get out of this funk before wednesday. i just need jesus to intervene and change me. i know he wil. i guess i have to just be patient. that whole, going through the valley thing, i suppose.
i think that is enough rambling for tonight.
peace out.
homecoming '10!
5 years ago
I love you, baby girl!! It's funny - you'll have to read my blog and see about how I'm struggling with my feelings too. And I quote, "Like my good friend Joyce says, 'Change your attitude and feelings with follow'." Easier said than done. I'm here though - if you feel sad, you call me!!!!!!!!
we sometimes think that in those valleys, we really need God... but what we may not see is that God DESIRES US. even in our inadequacies and imperfections, He calls us beautiful. His love is the only unconditional love we can recieve. sometimes it takes those valleys to realize how strong our desire needs to be for Him, but it's his ETERNAL, UNENDING desire for us. i love you, higgins!
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